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7 Bed House for Sale in Rovigo, Veneto

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Single house, city center, large and bright rooms.
Composed of: on the ground floor garage in Taverna, large exclusive garden, bathroom, boiler room, 2 storage rooms, upstairs, entrance hall, lounge, living room and kitchen, 3 double bedrooms, walk-in closet, bathroom, terrace.
It should be noted that visits and/or inspections of the properties and information not specified and/or not present (price, location) in the advertisement are carried out and/or disclosed only in our offices after signing the visit and information sheet by of the interested party.
Furthermore, we inform you that "Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, n. 3" refers to the location of our office and not to the location of the property.
An appointment is recommended.
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LG Ski Properties,
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