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16 Bed House for Sale in Viarigi, Asti, Piedmont

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In the heart of the Monferrato hills in Piedmont, Viarigi is a town
clinging to the hill, the houses and streets adapt to this feature, with stairs, porches, steep hairpin bends, walls.
The symbol of the town is its watchtower: of medieval origin, it dominates the town and the surrounding area from above. Â

This large farmhouse with an adjoining laboratory is sold in the Pergatti hamlet

HOUSE of 500sqm, with three apartments, a huge ancient vaulted cellar, with infernot

- LARGE LAND of 10.000mq. from the entrance to the top of the hill

- SHED WITH BOX FOR ANIMALS of 200sqm. provided with a further reconstruction document


recently built of 150sqm. with shed for tools or woodshed of 100sqm.
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