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16 Bed House for Sale in Farra di Soligo, Treviso, Veneto

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Lying at the foot of the famous Prosecco hills,
Unesco Heritage, places of great natural beauty e
landscaped, this elegant residence embodies the
charm of the history of these lands. The residence is part of a
architectural complex of great prestige, steeped in the
history of the noble family that lived there for centuries, and is
currently divided into two distinct properties. The portion
for sale, which boasts a developed park of 5000 square meters
along the slope of the hill, it is made up of four different ones
units for over 500 square meters of housing.
The main house is a stately home on three
levels which can be accessed through an impressive portico,
perfect for relaxing on summer days.
On the ground floor the different rooms: entrance, hall, living room,
living room and reading corner with fireplace, intersect forming
a single space suitable for large receptions but at the same time
capable of offering privacy to the inhabitants in life
On the first floor we find the sleeping area where a large
central corridor leads into the rooms: the bedroom
master bedroom with dressing room, guest area with bedroom e
en-suite bathroom, two other bedrooms and two bathrooms.
On the second floor habitable attic organized in the bedroom and
sitting room. Three appliances are also part of the complex:
these are properties to be restored internally but
externally fully integrated with the characteristics of the
main body. We therefore find a house on two floors
and a small tower placed as an extension of the house that
the buyer can use it as an outbuilding or integrate into the
main body to increase the spaces; in the park is
present then a
suggestive stone warehouse with outdoor fireplace.
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LG Ski Properties,
Right 1
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Right 3
Right 4
Right 5
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